Why want to become a blogger and it needs more girls in the technology industry

It is known to almost all those are connected me in social media either Facebook, Twitter or Google+ that I was modelling and acting industry. But I have a good interest in Computer from my College days to till now. After entering computer world, it is seen that the world of computer is a ocean and nobody can swim here perfectly.However, a large number of fans and friend requested me to start a blog by reading my updates in social media as they were trying to convince me that I can become a successful blogger with any topic(niche as their indicated name). 

Why want to become a blogger and it needs more girls in the technology industry

I had started to read a large number of well established blogs and websites from web. I have learned basic of various factors of blogging and finally decided to go with blogger platform. Here is my first blog post on women empowerment in information technology industry. 
It is true that large portion of women from our society are not interested in careers in the technology industry due to the fact that girls are raised to suppress their curiosities about the world and be what everyone thinks they should be.

As it is mentioned that there are needs some special care to attrack women in IT sector as a full time professional. Here is a list of ways to get more women interested in the technology and business fields.

1. Start younger: By creating a foundation in math and science at a younger age, more girls would be exposed to what is necessary to succeed in the field and would feel more confident to begin a career in the tech industry.

2. Add men to the conversation: Men need to be included in the dialogue to add more women to the tech industry. Men currently are the ones in power in these fields, and so, they are crucial to realizing the gender gap in these careers.

3. Change reading lists: Most books children read do not emphasize women engineers, entrepreneurs, or scientists, much less a strong female protagonist in any case.

4. Companies can make a difference: If schools are unable to fund programs to aid student learning and success, then companies who are able to sponsor students with materials could help them feel confident in their abilities to help them succeed, and become the next leader in the industry.

5. Media matters: Today’s media outlets have a huge gender bias against women in both television and movies. If we are still fighting for equal portrayal of women in the media that directly relates to what girls believe about themselves. We need to fight for equality in not just one field, but them all—because that’s how we can truly make a difference in gender equality.

Author's final view: 

So, we need to inspire girls to think creatively, explore, and be curious. Because once we do that, there’s nothing girls can’t do. And that includes, succeeding in the tech world.However, it is my personal view on women professionalism on information technology industry. If i have missed any or some points in women empowerment, then please comment bellow with your suggestion for future update. 
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About Neha Nair

Despite being raised Hindu where parents enrolled in a Catholic school and proceeded to enroll in university to study medicine but become model cum entrepreneur.
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